Client Questionnaire for PPC ServicesHelp Us, Help You!Please take a moment to complete our PPC questionnaire. Your Details:First name * Last name * Company name * Email * Phone # * Business GoalsWhat is your target monthly budget to spend in PPC? (excluding Agency Fees) * What main action do you want visitors to take from your advertising? * View Content (clicks)Call Us (Leads)Buy Products (Sales) What is the value of this action? * Example: New lead is worth $300 How many of these actions would you expect per month? * Examples: 10 new leads or 20 calls per month. How frequently do you want to be updated with account results? * WeeklyMonthlyQuarterly Product/ServicesWhat products/services will you be advertising? * What are the features/benefits of buying these products? * Advertising HistoryDo you already have an Adwords Account? * YesNo Have you ever advertised with AdWords before and when? * Are you aware of any keywords related to your products/services that draw in customers? * Are there any keywords we should avoid in your ads? * Are there any trademarks, copyrights or other information we should know about when writing your ads? * Competitor AnalysisList your 3-5 top competitors and their websites *